by Donnell Lu of Health Today Magazine

1. Set a goal and stick with it.
Sit down with the family and come up with specific fitness goals together.
Think of family jogging around the block for starters. Suggest fun outdoor games on weekend mornings. Get ideas from all family members. Ask them what they would like to do for a family activity and make it happen.
2. Lead by example.
Don't just plan on how to go about a physical activity. Do it with them! Pursue your own active lifestyle and show them that you enjoy your own activities. Kids learn by example, so make sure you give them good ones.
3. Set up an activity area in your home.
Create an active environment in your house, allotting space for kids to play in when outdoor activity is not possible. Make the environment fun and conductive for play and free of things that may cause accidents.
4. Develop incentives.
Start a point system among your kids If they like getting stars, post stars on a bulletin board in the house every time they accomplish a fitness task, e.g. sweeping the yard or cleaning their rooms. This teaches them discipline, coooperation, and respect.
5. Don't use activity as form of punishment.
Many parents use household chores as a way of threatening children into doing good. The same goes for exercises, which they may associate with military training, such as jumping jacks and running around the block.If children see physical activity as a form of punishment, they will resent engaging in it.
6. Take it easy.
Your goal is to keep your family fit, not to make star athletes out of them. To stay fit, they need not excel in basketball or running. The important thing is for them to enjoy what they are doing, to be active, and to keep burning those excess calories.
7. Fire the electronic nanny.
You don't really need to throw your TV away. But do limit the amount of time your family watches television. Studies show that children who have more TV time tend to lead sedentary lives and are more prone to obesity. If your kids are into video games, introduce them to those that require full body movement, such as Dance Dance revolution or the newer Wii Fit.
8. Make fitness time quality time.
Your kids will definitely enjoy physical activity more when it's done by the whole family. Think of it as family bonding time, keeping not only individual members fit but also creating memories that the whole family will cherish.
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